2019 Assessment Presentations
- Annual Academic Program Assessment Reporting Process
Provides information about the annual assessment reporting process including information required for reporting and how to submit reports.
- Direct Evidence of Student Learning (DESL) Initiative
Provides an overview of the new Direct Evidence of Student Learning (DESL) Initiative, lead by the Student Learning Assessment Team, including a short demonstration of how instructors can use Canvas and AEFIS to digitally capture and track evidence of student learning in real time.
- Integrating “All Things” Learning Assessment
Provides an overview of the main, campus-wide Student Learning Assessment efforts and how they are guided by the Wisconsin Experience, the total student learning experience. Details include progress to date in each area, related digital tools and systems, as well as available resources.
- Supporting Program Review: Using Assessment and Institutional Data
Provides an overview of the program review process and institutional resources, especially data resources, available to support both student learning assessment and program review.
- Using Assessment Data – Update with TLTAG
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison and how to use assessment data to enhance teaching and support student success.
- Using Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching and Support Student Success
Provides an overview of the Office of the Provost Student Learning Assessment (SLA) team's key projects and how it is working to make learning assessment data more accessible and integrated to better inform pedagogical practice, support academic planning and improve student learning.
2018 Assessment Presentations
- Advancing Assessment at UW-Madison: Assessment Report Capture
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison including national context, key milestones, the institutional assessment plan and assessment report capture via AEFIS.
- Direct Assessment with AEFIS and Canvas – Linking Learning Data to Student Outcomes to Promote Student Success
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison and demonstrates how to set up direct assessments using AEFIS and the Canvas LMS.
- Direct Assessment with AEFIS and Canvas – Update with Instructional Technology Group
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison and demonstrates how to set up direct assessments using AEFIS and the Canvas LMS.
- Institutional Data Resources for Student Learning Assessment
Provides institutional data resources that can be used to support student learning assessment at UW-Madison.
- Student Learning Assessment – Update with CALS Department Chairs
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison including national context, recent milestones, support and institutional resources, and what's ahead.
- Student Learning Assessment and Digital Course Evaluations – Update with UCAAA
Provides an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison and an update on the transition to digital course evaluation surveys.
- Writing Course Learning Outcomes and Syllabi Requirements
Provides resources - including examples - for how to write clear and measurable course learning outcomes, and what should be included in course syllabi.
2017 Assessment Presentations
- Assessment Planning for Academic Degree Programs
Includes information about assessment planning for academic degree programs at UW-Madison.
- Assessment Reporting and Assessment Report Capture via AEFIS
Provides information on assessment reporting at UW-Madison and how to submit annual assessment reports digitally, via AEFIS.
- Direct Assessment with AEFIS and Canvas – Are my Students Learning What I Think They are Learning?
Includes an overview of student learning assessment at UW-Madison and announces the direct assessment efforts using AEFIS and the Canvas LMS.
- Graduate Program Assessment
Includes graduate data resources for learning outcomes assessment at UW-Madison.
- Institutional Data Resources for Learning Outcomes Assessment
Provides institutional data resources for learning outcomes assessment at UW-Madison.
2016 Assessment Presentations
- Assessment Planning for Academic Degree Programs
Includes information about assessment planning for academic degree programs at UW-Madison.
- Program Learning Assessment and Digital Course Evaluations
Includes information about program learning assessment and the transition to digital course evaluation surveys at UW-Madison.
- UW-Madison Assessment Framework
Provides information about UW-Madison's student learning assessment framework.