Assessment Across Campus
An Integrated Assessment Framework
Student learning assessment is an integrated, ongoing component of academic life and the student experience at UW–Madison. Key areas include: assessment planning and reporting, learning outcomes, direct evidence of student learning and course evals.
Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
UW–Madison's Student Learning Assessment Team works closely with the university's Center for Teaching, Learning and Mentoring to support excellence in teaching and learning, specifically in the context of student learning assessment.
Wisconsin Experience
The Wisconsin Experience is UW–Madison’s vision for the total student experience, which combines learning in and out of the classroom. It is tied to the Wisconsin Idea and steeped in our long-standing institutional values.
Institutional Accreditation
Every ten years the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) conducts a comprehensive review of the university to assure accountability and to improve the quality of higher education. UW–Madison has been continuously accredited since 1913.