UW–Madison’s General Education assessment further reflects the university’s institutional assessment of student learning. The General Education Program was created to ensure that every baccalaureate student at UW–Madison acquires the foundation of an undergraduate education, which includes elements for living a productive life, being citizens of the world, appreciating aesthetic values and engaging in lifelong learning in a changing world.
UW–Madison’s General Education includes four foundational domains for undergraduate education:
- Breadth
- Communication
- Ethnic Studies
- Quantitative Reasoning
These foundational domains provide for breadth across the humanities and arts, social studies and natural sciences; competence in communication, critical thinking and analytical skills appropriate for a university educated person; and investigation of the issues inherent to living in a culturally diverse society. Importantly, UW–Madison’s General Education Program aligns with the Wisconsin Experience, especially as it relates to providing students with foundational intellectual and practical skills.
The University General Education Committee (UGEC) oversees the campus-wide, undergraduate general education program, management of its requirements and assessment of the general education student learning outcomes, and reports to shared governance through the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC).