Annual assessment reports due Nov. 1

All undergraduate and graduate academic programs* are required to submit their first annual assessment reports, through a new online portal, by Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017.  This annual reporting effort aligns with and supports the goals of the university’s Institutional Plan for Assessing Student Learning.

Assessments reports should be brief and: 1) identify which program learning outcomes were assessed, 2) outline what data was collected and how, and 3) summarize the key findings and recommendations.

Learn how to prepare and submit your reports. Several workshops are also being offered throughout September and October to support academic programs as they develop their assessment reports. See a full listing of the workshops.

If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact Regina Lowery, Assessment Coordinator (890-2973,

We appreciate your continued efforts to ensure we are providing high-quality academic programs for our students.

*Undergraduate, graduate and capstone certificate programs are expected to submit assessment plans by November 1, 2017; certificate program annual reports are not due until November 2018.